Private Investigator Germany
People Search Berlin
Do you need to find someone’s address in the German capital Berlin? We have been doing this for clients reliably for decades.
If you need a person search in Berlin, we will be happy to help you.
General information on address queries for Berlin citizens
Skip tracing in Berlin can be a simple undertaking. But it can also be difficult. You can find some people easily via the phone book or the Internet. You don’t need a detective agency. If you know the first and last name, you can quickly try it yourself online in the phone book. If this doesn’t work, however, the possibilities of private individuals are quickly exhausted.
At the latest then you need the help of professionals. Experts from our company, who are familiar with the subject of people search in Berlin. We know the ways and means to be able to carry out a search order promisingly. The search by experts does not consist of simply asking the residents’ registration office for information. Rather, we are talking about a much targeted investigation by private detectives.
This is how the search for people in Berlin works
Are you looking for a person you have lost sight of? Have you not made any progress with this yourself so far? Then please get in touch with us now.
In our team we have specialized detectives who are experts in the search for persons. Detectives are looking for many people. From the search for debtors to the search for youth love. But also defaulting tenants up to friends from the common time at the university are tracked down. And of course the address search also refers to heirs who cannot be found.
Undoubtedly, our address search work refers to people who are still alive. But sometimes it is also necessary to find the grave of a person who has already died. Even then you should talk to us.
Specialized private detectives try to find the person you absolutely must find. Because one thing is clear: A simple look in the telephone book or in the yellow pages like goyellow is usually not enough. If you want to find someone who is unknown to you and has moved within Germany, you have to investigate further.
Of course, we are not only looking for people in individual districts such as Kreuzberg, Neukölln, Mitte, Friedrichshain, Charlottenburg or others. Rather, we search for people nationwide. And if necessary the address search is made also abroad. For this purpose, we use an international network of experienced guarantors.
Costs for the address search in Berlin
Would you like information on the costs of address determination? Then we first need a list of the information available to you about the person you are looking for. Please send this to us by e-mail or using the contact form and state your email address so that a detective can answer you.
You will then receive a non-binding offer tailored to your individual needs. Of course you can also be advised discreetly by a private detective by telephone from Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00 hrs CET.
Unfortunately, as a professional detective agency we cannot offer a free skip tracing service. A search for missing persons is carried out in justified cases. However, there are narrow limits, also concerning the possibilities.
In general, the better the source data are, the easier and therefore cheaper the address search is. However, we would like to point out that if someone does not want to be found under any circumstances, he can disappear. Then it will be difficult to find this particular person.
Reimbursement of costs for a person search by a detective agency
By the way, in debtor search cases, you may be able to pass on the costs of using the detective agency to the debtor. There is a wide range of case law in this area. For example, the Berlin Regional Court. This court has ruled that the investigation costs of a detective agency for establishing the debtor’s current address can in principle be reimbursable as costs of execution.
This applies if the creditor has not been able to determine the address using a simpler and cheaper method – such as by querying the residents’ registration office (EMA) or by looking in the telephone book or address book. (Judgment of 23 May 1984, file number 82 T 84/84.)
Prospects of success with an address inquiry in Berlin
The chances of success often stand or fall with the existing starting data. The more you know, the better the chances. If you are looking for a Thomas in Berlin and don’t know anything else about him, the search is probably rather pointless. A few basic data on the person you are looking for should already be available for an address search.
You should know a surname. If you also have the first name and date of birth in addition to the last name, we are talking about very good options for the search order. Just ask us what the chances are in your case for the address search in Berlin. We will be happy to provide you with comprehensive information if you miss someone and would like to find them again.
A secondary field of the person search is genealogy. Are you looking for ancestors? We can also help you with this through successful cooperation partners in the industry. The research for our customers takes place internationally if required. Usually ancestors can be found. We will be happy to make you an offer and explain the prices for this service.