Capture Fingerprints to Fingerprint Cards FD-258 and other Forms in Germany

We create fingerprint cards with your fingerprints for submission to foreign authorities.
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Do you need your fingerprints on a fingerprint card for an overseas background check, a job abroad or a visa? If so, we can help you in Germany.

We secure most fingerprints on the FD-258 Fingerprint Card issued by the United States Government.

FD-258 fingerprint card to capture fingerprints
Click the on picture for the full size.

We offer this service for background checks or entry into the following countries

  • United States of America (USA)
  • Canada 
  • Australia 
  • New Zealand 
  • South Africa 
  • and other countries

Fingerprinting for FBI Identity History Summary Request in Germany

Attention: The authorities in the USA and Canada do not accept fingerprints that you have taken yourself.

It is not possible for you to take the fingerprints yourself. In order for the U.S. government to accept your fingerprints, they must be taken professionally. For this reason, we use a fingerprint expert to take the fingerprints and ensure the best possible quality. 

We take fingerprints in Germany.

For what purposes do we take fingerprints in Germany?

  • Visa fingerprinting
  • Background employment checks
  • Regulatory fingerprinting
  • Overseas police clearance checks
  • Immigration fingerprinting

Capturing Fingerprints for Submission to Foreign Authorities 

If you need a print of your full set of fingerprints for a visa application, a criminal record check, or your new national passport, we will professionally print and verify the authenticity of each finger. 

FD-258 fingerprinting near me: You have to come in person to one of our offices in Dorsten (near Dortmund or Düsseldorf airport) or near Nuremberg (Bavaria). You will be fingerprinted with our dactyloscope.

How fingerprinting is done

This is how we make your FD-258 fingerprint cards for the United States of America:

  1. You tell us what form you need the fingerprints on and send it to us in advance along with your personal information.
  2. You come to our office and identify yourself with your ID or passport.
  3. The expert then prepares all of your existing fingers and the fingertip to ensure the best possible quality of the fingerprint and produces two cards for you. 
  4. You can take these cards with you immediately.

Why are my fingerprints needed on the fingerprint cards?

Fingerprints are used to identify a person and are often already included in a passport. Some countries want to know in advance who is entering their country, for example to work. The Fingerprint Card FD-258 for the United States of America is particularly often filled out when fingerprints are submitted.

In order to be able to evaluate the fingerprints and record them by machine, it is necessary that they have a certain quality, which is ensured by the expert. To do this, he uses a special coloured agent so that there are no scattered prints on the fingerprint form. We record each finger individually.

Embassies or consulates in Germany do not take fingerprints. Therefore, if you need a copy of a form with your fingerprints in Germany, you must come to a company like ours.

How soon can I get an appointment to have my fingerprints taken?

It is not possible to tell you in advance exactly how long it will take to get you an appointment to have your fingerprints taken. However, you will usually receive an on-site appointment within 2 weeks. 

For more information on this and related topics, please send us a message or call us at

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